USA Nation Wide Walmart's fight against Blue Laws Closed on Sunday bravo to the chick-fil-A recipe.
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Please note: Save Our Sundays is NOT responsible for pop ups on this web site. Tripod our server is responsible . New Petition and using the Notwithstanding clause Big Box stores complain about loop holes & my conversation with Andrew Krystal & Tom Young 95.7FM Western Australia votes "NO" to week night and Sunday shopping Meaning of Life: Never on a Sunday Thank you Alberta , Canada
River Times - Nova Scotia opts out of Sunday
shopping THANK YOU NOVA SCOTIA, Voters keep stores closed on Sundays more ..... Choice? What Choice will it be If Sunday shopping were to pass? ECONOMIC REALITIES OF SUNDAY SHOPPING Beware unforeseen consequences of Sunday shopping- Readers view Daily News Sept 9 More... Banks in New Jersey open Sunday, Women fired because she did not want to work on Sunday. Arguments in Favor of Sunday shopping don't hold water by PETER O'BRIEN Tighten Sunday shopping laws: retailer Prince Edward Island Market vendors resists Sunday shopping Saint John New Brunswick
Mark Parent, Tony Lohnes speak out against Sunday shopping in ChristianWeek Newspaper ....more GPI ATLANTIC study another reason to Save Our Sundays ......more Nova Scotia Tourism pushes for Sunday shopping this summer & email from Ernst Fage Croatian authorities prepare to introduce a comprehensive Sunday trade ban
buys amended Sunday shopping bill IF you have been following the Sunday shopping debate in Nova Scotia , you would realize that the Nova Scotia Tories promised us No Sunday shopping until 2005 . This same party we had to vote for when the election was held as the other parties support wide open Sunday shopping. September 26th was the day the Tories officially broke it's promise to Nova Scotians. Tories nudge store doors open on Sundays allowing stores to open six weeks prior to Christmas as a trail run and a plebiscite to follow in 2004. What bothers us is the fact that these votes only pertain to retail and nothing else. How can anyone call this a democracy? It's like all of us having a vote as to whether or not the premiers office should be open on Sunday., How about the bank? I'm sure these people would not like it and neither should we. The Tories have also giving us a plan on retail workers protection ,it's to early to tell whether or not that it's something worthy of supporting. http://www.gov.ns.ca/just/sundayshopping.htm
Sunday shopping has started in our province and they are talking about it being a success, are they totally off there rockers? Of course it is busy as it is the Christmas rush ! Stores would be busy if stores were closed on Sunday. The media is not supporting the NO side they are supporting the YES side. Voice your opinion here and Say No To Sunday shopping Right to refuse Sunday Work Nova Scotia Sunday shopping debate on Halifax Live
Well there is a new kid on the block called the UNDECIDED PARTY . As we read through the web site what impressed us so is their position on Sunday shopping . Sounds like we have some of the same ideas. Too bad they are not running. We will point out that this is the only party on the web that has a page voicing it's opposition to Sunday shopping. "What's
the Undecided Party's position on Sunday shopping?" Save Our Sundays on line petition is gaining momentum Comparing Sunday workers to workers who do not work on Sunday Hamm bends, allows Sunday shopping
With an election coming Premier John Hamm will allow Sunday openings six weeks before Christmas then a plebiscite to follow in 2004 to solve the issue. One thing we are sure of he has broken a promise to Nova Scotians. He has promised us No Sunday shopping until 2005. It's 2003. Though it remains he has broken a promise to us , our other parties support Sunday openings all year around giving us no choice in the matter. The NDP once opposed to Sunday shopping now support it as does the Nova Scotia Liberals. When we asked all of the parties to open government offices on Sunday their was no reply. It's ok for retail to open on Sunday and nothing else. Talk about being dictated to, our NDP and the Liberals are leading the way. We can say alot about Hamms broken promise , but we can say that he will give Nova Scotians a choice a vote on the issue in 2004. Full story here and you can leave a comment and vote on Sunday shopping. Polls are pretty much divided, we wonder if the whole work force was included in this debate , it would not even be a issue. Just imagine having a vote on just one sector retail. We are not been giving this opportunity to decide how others spend there Sundays. Why should we be dictated to?
To Vote Sunday shopping Halifax Live Nova Scotians speak out letters to the editor
Question where are the people? Stores are open and these parking lots are not full by any means.. Consumers should be outraged that some people are pushing for another day of shopping. Is another day needed? Not according to many of the malls here in Nova Scotia. Either you get it or you do not, Sunday shopping is not needed. Picture of a local mall taken on a Wednesday afternoon Bridgewater area, plus Bayers Lake in Halifax, Nova Scotia on a Friday of all days.. Have a picture of a dead mall parking lot? Send it to us!
Sunday Shopping update April 23/ 2003 ! What ever happened to democracy? Here we" thought" our political leaders were actually listening to us. The NDP party that we thought would back the little guy up now supports Sunday shopping have a look here The progressive conservatives promised us No Sunday shopping until 2005. Now the premier also seems to be caving in to the big box stores. Premier John Hamm claims now he will protect retail workers from having to work Sundays
staff can opt out of working on Sundays, Hamm says If the premier can not offer us what retail workers have in Ontario then he is taking away our choice and right to be home on Sunday. If a retail worker has his hours cut for refusing to work Sunday ,this spells one thing black mail and should not be tolerated . To the silent majority retail workers who are saying nothing , you are only hurting yourself and helping the big corporations achieve their goals. Question is do you think you are any less of a person than a government worker? Should you not have the same right to be home on Sunday as they do? Either you like it the way it is or fight for change. It's sad when democracy fails us , in this case it seems it has. Please email your party leaders links provided at the bottom of this page. You can also make a difference write a letter to the editor in our local papers. Halifax Herald Yarmouth Vanguard Daily News Bridgewater Bulletin
This only proves one thing the law is
fair, you do not see any one complaining for government , municipal
offices to be open? A quote by Judith Cabrita "There's
just so many exceptions," said Judith Cabrita, executive director
of the tourism association. "It's an uneven playing field."
Unfair ? If the tourism association wants a level playing field
why not push for government offices, municipal offices to be open as
well, other wise we are being discriminated against. If plebiscite is held the premier must ask the right question Sunday Shopping has become a major debate since we started our web site "Save Our Sundays" in the April, 2000. For many retail workers the thought of working on Sundays is a nightmare and many who do not work in that sector don't understand how they feel.
Currently, many stores are now open
six days and six nights a week which gives consumers plenty of time to
get their shopping done.
Why do some people not have enough time to shop? Currently in Nova Scotia, banks, government and municipal offices, as well as most medical and dental offices are closed. Many other important service businesses like automotive garages are closed as well and many of these places are not open on Saturdays either. Thus it is that many retail workers feel that they are being treated unfairly.
John Hamm & Government is considering on having a
plebiscite on Sunday shopping if his party is re-elected the next
election. We want the premier to see to it that if there is a plebiscite
that the question is worded fairly and that the question people see
on their ballots does not discriminate against the retail sector.
.Nova Scotia's should be asked a question that reflects the reality of the situation. Simplistic plebiscite questions like "Do you want Sunday shopping?" do not serve us well. We prefer a plebiscite question that asks Nova Scotia's want government offices and other businesses open on Sundays as well. ______________________________________________ The Nova Scotia Party a new provincial political party also is getting into the act. One of its' proposals is that the Hamm Government should hold a referendum to decide the Sunday shopping issue. Today on Rick Howe's talk show the Hot Line Mr. Gerald Rogers claimed that he wants to be fair with the "small people" of this province. We certainly consider retail workers some of those people. Furthermore to single us out in a vote discrimination of our sector . We cannot go to any government office or municipal office, dentist ,bank, all these things we can not do on a Sunday. We challenge all provincial leaders to hold a referendum " Would you like to have everything open or closed on Sundays? Otherwise it is discrimination . Why can you people vote on what we do on Sunday ? Where is our say on those government services that are closed on Sunday. We suggest it is time for all Nova Scotian political parties and the electorate to re-think this issue in order to have a fairer playing field for all workers. _________________________________________________ Places that do not have Sunday shopping.
Norway http://www.uib.no/guide/html/information.html
Germany http://www.training-for-germany.de/tips99/tip30.htm
http://stjohns.cbc.ca/template/servlet/View?filename=nf_sun_shop_20030103 _________________________________________________________
Our Sundays Petitions the Nova Scotia Liberals
Update March 6 ,2003
Danny Graham of the Nova Scotia Liberal party has decided to emailed us ,after pressure from his own party to answer us. From what we gather others out there are receiving this same email from him .
Thank you for your correspondence on the issue of Sunday Shopping. I
certainly appreciate your interest in, and concern about, the issue. I
apologize for the delay in responding to your concerns. Mr. Graham points out that we are the only province not to have Sunday shopping. If 50 people jump over a bridge does this mean we have to follow? We are unique here in this province. People from all over come to our province because we are so laid back. People enjoy having one day a week where it is quite. Danny Graham wants to take this away from us. Danny Graham speaks to us like we are going to be protected . He wants to send a message to the public that he is looking out for everyone. This is not the case here. Nothing was mentioned in his letter to us about the workers that will lose hours for refusing to work on Sunday. It's hardly a step forward but a step backwards. In the province of Ontario Retail workers have the best protection that is currently offered . They can refuse to work on Sunday or any public holiday.http://www.gov.on.ca/LAB/english/es/factsheets/fs_retail.html
Mr. Graham has no problem with retail workers having to work on Sunday but has been conspicuously silent on proposals to make government offices open on Sundays as well. We consider it unfair that retail workers are being singled out like this. Danny Graham is not suitable to be leader of the Liberal Party ,he is not looking out our concerns. .
Sunday Laws are coming according to Sundaylaw.net
Retail workers New Brunswick Danny Graham and those others who propose changing current Sunday shopping laws claim that workers will be protected but this has not been the case in New Brunswick and other provinces that have abandoned Sunday shopping laws. One such email written by Steve Ramsay of Moncton " I have heard SO MANY excuses/reasons why Sunday shopping is needed. BALONEY! I was working retail a short time ago and that was one of the main reasons why I left a great place. All the arguments in favor of Sunday openings can be SO EASILY DEBUNKED. I have worked all three shifts a day can be divided into and I have NEVER been able to do those things I needed to do or wanted to do. Do I shop on Sundays? NEVER! And yes, I sympathize for those who are coerced/pushed/threatened into working this day for the wages that we know DO NOT justify working same. " According to Tom Thompson people are being forced to work Sundays full story here Two other cases sent to us by Ms. Tracey Allen of Charlottetown relate that Staff at the Makro... Real cases cited from the workers perspective (in case you think that people will have a choice to work on Sunday or not) - "NORTH ACTION: Staff at the Makro cash and carry store intend to take the firm to an industrial tribunal after most of its 82 full-time employees were made redundant. They have been told they can apply for new posts--but on a new contract which will make Sunday working compulsory." "SWANSEA: A woman working for a big departmental store wrote about the enormous pressure exerted on her to work on a Sunday not only by her employer but by colleagues, ...She approached a supervisor pointing out that legally she could not be forced to work on a Sunday to be told that it was in her interests to 'be part of the team...no one else was complaining." ( Do not believe the baseless claims
) of those who claim that all worker's rights will be protected under this
new legislation. It has not been proven to protect workers elsewhere and
managers and store owners have shown subtle but effective ways of intimidating and
pressuring workers to work on Sundays. Retail workers who did agree to, or were not hired to work on Sunday will resent being pressured into working on what has been their traditional day off . The onus should not be on the individual worker to have to fight for her/his rights against managers and companies and rely on understaffed, overworked bureacracies to protect their rights. A common sense solution is to set aside a single day of rest for all large sector retail workers. So if you are opposed to Sunday shopping, it is up to you to defend your rights We urge you to please email, phone or fax our three current party leaders to (and) express your opposition to Sunday shopping. Click on the hyperlinks listed below to have your voices heard
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Site last updated September,1st ,2006