Western Australia votes "NO
to Sunday trading
It's nice to see that Nova Scotia not only Dared to be
Different but our friends in Australia have joined Nova Scotia in
keeping our Sundays a day of rest. Not only have they voted NO to Sunday
shopping they have said No to week night shopping. Bravo Western
Australia for putting you're families first !
Referendum results found on the Australian government web
Source for this news story www.news.com.au
Voters say no to more shopping
February 27, 2005
THE West Australian referendum on extending shopping hours was headed for certain defeat last night.
The No campaign was well in front in the count, with the Yes campaign all but conceding.
On the question of extended weekday trading, the No votes were ahead 96,977 to 64,155. And on Sunday shopping, 97,627 said No against 56,984 Yes votes.
Bob Welch, executive director of the WA Sports Federation, said: "This sends a clear message that West Australians still place a greater value on community-based activities and time for the family unit than convenience for a few and returns for shareholders."
Greg Dean, president of the WA Retail and Small Business Association, which represents 5000 small businesses, described the result as a stunning victory for small business.
"Obviously, the public saw through the multimillion-dollar con by Coles and Woolworths and has protected our lifestyle and economic viability for many years to come," he said.
"We would like to thank the public and particularly our many business partners, the church, sporting and community groups who helped deliver the message."
Brian Reynolds, of the Yes campaign's Choice and Convenience For All, said last night's result was a disappointment for all West Australians.
"It is disappointing that the community will not benefit from more choice and convenience when it comes to their shopping," Mr Reynolds said.
"It will be a long time before the community will have the opportunity to have a say on this issue again.
"Sadly, this is a victory for higher prices, for less shopping choice and less convenience, for less employment opportunities and for less tourism.
"Our opponents ran a scare campaign that was heavily funded by an elite group of retailers and associations who have sought to maintain their privileged monopoly position, putting their own interests above those of consumers."
But Mr Dean said: "We feel like we need to run a lap around a big oval holding aloft a trophy with hoteliers, pharmacies, newsagents, farmers, sporting, church and community groups, such is the magnitude of this victory."
Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive John Langoulant said the community had voted to keep small businesses small.
"All those small businesses that have supported the continuation of the current arrangements have basically put a ceiling on their growth," Mr Langoulant said.
"They can't grow now. This whole debate has put a real wedge between small and big business which is not constructive and consistent with a free-enterprise open market."
Mr Langoulant said neither political party had shown strong leadership on the issue.
Earlier in the day, the Yes and No campaigns for extended shopping hours were out in force at polling booths across the state in a last-minute attempt to sway voters.
Both campaigns accused the other of misleading voters and each claimed its opponents spent more on advertising.
The Yes campaign said it had spent $1 million, while the No campaign admitted spending $460,000.
Our Sundays encourages Western Australia to Say "No" to
Sunday Trading (Shopping)
In Nova Scotia, Canada , we recently had a plebiscite
on Sunday trading to which we refer here in North America , Sunday
shopping. The Yes side put out a good campaign , but lost in the end.
Several things to which we contribute to a win by the No side ,went
through the grass routes to obtain a victory in the October 16th vote of
2004. Through the internet web sites such as Save
Our Sundays and Dare
to be Different, we were able to get our point across to Nova
Scotians. Going door to door with flyers, writing letters in our local
papers, all helped the No side in our successful win.
Some people claim that the churches played a major role in the
decision here ,but that's not the case. Majority of retail workers were
strongly opposed to Sunday openings, as we all felt that it would impact
family life as we see it. More information pertaining to the plebiscite
( Referendum) in Nova Scotia Canada ,please visit this link - Voters keep stores closed on Sundays
When the Save Our Sundays web site ,was started by Peter
Hare and myself, we started it world-wide. There should not be any
borders in any country , that stops families having a day to spend
together. Are we not human beings anymore? Are we here to shop until we
drop? I honestly think that we are here to think, play with our children
and rest. Western Australia is not in the dark ages ,but unique as we
are in keeping Sunday a day of rest. I'm happy to see that the Western
Australian Opposition Party are opposed to Sunday trading. We want
to also point out that Sunday trading in the referendum, to be held on
the same day as the state election, expected to be February 26th. But lets
be serious are government offices, municipal offices, schools open on
Sunday? How many other things are closed on Sunday? Sure there are pubs
,taverns open on Sunday ,but do two wrongs ever make a right? They never
Concerning the question of the Referendum, to which we are unsure of,
make sure it is a fair question. In our province , we feel that the
question was discriminatory , as it only pertained to retail. Why not
include government offices, schools etc , in the question. If stores are
to open, so should everything else.
During our research, we found that the Green
Party also opposes Sunday trading. In Western Australia stores are
also closed on evenings. The question will include extending evenings
and Sundays for extra hours of shopping.
Western Australia, Please Say no to Sunday trading and put you're
families first. Set the example, Be leaders , "NOT" followers.
We would be happy to speak with the media, please feel free to
contact us .
Tony Lohnes
Save Our Sundays
Page last updated
FEB 27/05