Choice? What Choice?
Tourism is now pushing the
choice issue, claiming shoppers should have a choice whether they want
to shop or not and that the current law should be done away with. The
problem with what they propose is our choice will be taken away.
Despite the current laws and workers protection, retail workers in
most companies will be forced to work on Sunday. If everyone were to
refuse to work Sundays, who would work then? They are not going to
hire a worker to work for four hours on a Sunday. Sure, people work
Sundays, we already know this, but why should retail workers feel
guilty? It's not that we have forced these people to work at
hospitals, restaurants, corner stores, casinos. What's
interesting about other people working on Sunday , is that those
comments are always pointed at us the retail sector. You never hear
them say that same argument to a Bank worker, government worker,
municipal worker, or teachers.
Small business owners that currently
open on Sundays will suffer a big loss in business if Sunday shopping
is allowed. Sunday is the only day that most small business' make
their money. Should we not as consumers look after small business',
rather than help them out of business? That's what Sunday shopping
will do..
Another argument by the tourism
industry, is that big business should have the right to decide when
they can open and when not to. First of all, big business
owners do not have to work on Sunday, it will be the staff that
has to give up their day with their families. School runs from Monday
to Friday. Most retail mothers and fathers work on Saturday , thus
only leaving Sunday to spend with their children. Secondly , our
government already tells business owners what to do. They tell them
they have to pay out a minimum wage, and vacation pay. Telling then
when to close to give those less fortunate a day of rest would be no
crime at all. If we go with tourism's argument, we would have no
laws and these big corporations would be able to do away with
minimum wage etc. We have laws for a reason and this law currently is
a valid one. I hope Nova Scotian's can see through this smoke screen
of greed. Taking away the law takes away choice. If stores are to open
on Sunday , then lets set a example and open our government offices on
Sunday. Surely those MLA's that support Sunday shopping would not mind
being in their office on a Sunday. If it's good for one then it should
be good for everyone. Lets open our schools as well and show our kids
that it's a seven day week, not a five day week. Singling out retail
is out and out discrimination. We are asking Nova Scotia please say no
to Sunday shopping Oct 16th. Lets be leaders not followers.