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Box stores complain about the Retail uniform act allowing stores to open Last year Nova Scotians, went to the polls to decide on the Sunday shopping issue. Fifty -five percent of Nova Scotians said No, while forty -five percent said yes. Sunday shopping has been brought up again by two major grocery chains claiming that other stores that are open on Sunday are getting around the Retail uniform act through loop holes that need to be fixed. They have a valid point, government should listen to their concerns. This does not give a fair playing field , when stores can open up due to loop holes in the law. I sent a email off to Premier John Hamm and Michael Baker to ask that government tighten up the law on the act and have these stores closed down. We do feel, that the issue has been laid to rest, after all we said "NO"!
My radio interview with Andrew Kyrstal and Tom Young 95.7 FM Nova Scotia Not sure if you all heard about the new news station 95.7 News, talk,sports FM. I was invited to talk first on the Andrew Krystal show. You guessed it, about the Sunday shopping issue. Andrew runs his show Monday to Friday from 9am til 12pm. Yeah, you guessed it again, he does not work on Sunday. His show has re runs during the week-end. He is so obsessed by having these stores open on Sunday he referred to me, as trying to go back to the horse and buggy days. What a fantastic idea as families cared about one another then instead of spending the day at a big box store. He also talked about other people working on Sundays such as Tim Horton's workers to name a few. All these people were hired to work on Sunday, no one in retail forced them to apply for these jobs. Also, it came up about business' being able to open or close when they want to and that the government shouldn't interfere. So what the heck do we have laws for? Going by their logic, we would not have a minimum wage, vacation pay, or statutory holidays. Imagine that? Using the freedom excuse to get what you want at the expense of others. This guy, like alot of people, do not work on Sunday, yet they expect retail workers to serve them 24/7. I again, about a week later, heard on Andrew's show, them talking about the Sunday shopping issue. This guy has a major problem, a guy that does not work on Sunday, yet he is campaigning to get all stores open on Sunday. I had to laugh as he was referring to church goers leaving church and going to Tim Horton's on a Sunday. It's shopping on Sunday ,he pointed out. Ok he may have a point there, but not all of the NO side shops on Sunday. I do feel that any form of shopping on Sunday fuels the debate, and everyone should play their part in keeping Sunday special. Andrew, neglects to mention that government workers ,municipal workers to name a few shop on Sunday. The conversation seems to only pertain to retail, as I kept pointing out to him, open retail - open everything on a Sunday. I have alot of work ahead of me, and Andrew, well, he may be beyond any help. Tom Young Afternoon news I was invited on Tom's show one afternoon, about a week later, since I was on the same station with Andrew Krystal. Tom's talk show is out of New Brunswick and is broadcast in Nova Scotia also. As you might guess, Tom is also for Sunday shopping and can not understand why Nova Scotia does not have Sunday shopping. Who is right and who is wrong? I don't think we have to jump over the bridge like New Brunswickers have just done. So many people over in that province are regretting ever supporting having Sunday shopping. News flash! Tom's talk show is also a Monday to Friday talk show. Hardly an all news talk show, when all you hear is re runs on the week-end. What's so sickening about the Sunday shopping issue over in New Brunswick, is that the provincial Premier Bernard Lord did not want to decide on the issue, so he passed the buck down to the municipalities. Therefore, you have towns and cities playing off against each another. Yeah you guessed it, all of the municipalities for the most part are now open on Sunday. Bets are the municipal offices are closed on Sunday. Hope they are enjoying their Sundays off, since they sentenced others to work. Heck, I would not want to leave this beautiful province of Nova Scotia. We had the decency to say no to Sunday shopping. And as for Tom Young and Andrew Krystal they have not figured it out, and until they have both of their talk shows live on Sundays, they have nothing to spout off about.